About Slimming

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

For the Christmas 2003 holiday, my friend and I decided to take a 6 week vacation to Florida. When I was there I noticed a “picking” sensation in my left breast, I had had a mammogram the year before which was suspicious but following an ultrasound test I was told that it was OK, I would need to return for a repeat mammogram in 12 months.

Immediately on my return I saw my doctor who arranged a mammogram. The radiologist came to see me immediately following the X-ray and told me that I would require a biopsy. Unfortunately this proved to be positive, I was now diagnosed with breast cancer.

I had been a nurse and midwife all my working life always caring for others, now the shoe was on the other foot, I knew I would need support from my friends and family. It was at this time that I realized who were the ones who really cared about me.

After several weeks of going here and there, seeing various doctors the day of surgery arrived. My breast was removed along with 16 lymph glands. My recovery was quite rapid. I needed to see the oncologist who informed me that I would need chemotherapy. My slimming plans were now at the bottom of the list. My priority was to get through the treatment.

More tomorrow…………


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