About Slimming

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Published Article

Today I received confirmation that this article had been accepted for publication. I wanted to share this with you.

Diets are hard. It’s a simple fact of life that the majority of dieters will never achieve success because they simply cannot stick to a diet. Easy weight loss is a distant promise to the average dieter.

The reason easy weight loss diets tend not to work isn’t because they aren’t nutritionally sound (although many diets lack the necessary nutrition) but because they deprive us. Human beings are not very good at resisting temptation and when you aren’t allowed to eat starch or sugar, it suddenly begins to look even more appealing!

Many easy weight loss diets require such drastic reduction of portion size, that the average overweight person is still hungry after eating a meal. Resisting hunger pangs is difficult enough, but when more food is right in front of you, as it is everywhere in our society, the temptation is pretty much irresistible. Easy weight loss becomes impossible when faced with the stomach-twisting pangs of hunger.

So, how do you achieve easy weight loss? Without the deprivation and starvation? With the rule of three diet!

The idea behind this easy weight loss diet is not deprivation but balance. You can eat whatever you wish, but it must be part of a balanced meal. This way your body gets all the nutrients it needs, not just empty calories.

No matter what you feel like eating, you include a same-size portion of two other foods, a protein and a fruit or vegetable usually. For example, let’s say you are dying for a slab of chocolate cake. You can have your cake, but along with it, you need to eat a piece of chicken (of the same size) and a pear, for example. You can mix and match the foods, but the concept is the same.

With the base of a protein food and a vegetable or fruit, you can make the third item anything you like, be it bread, pasta, rice or a sweet dessert. When planning snacks or meals, be sure to include the three ingredients. This recipe for easy weight loss seems too easy, but it really does work.

So, how does the easy weight loss rule of three work? Sweet foods and fatty snacks tend to cause your body to release a blast of insulin. The sudden rise in insulin, followed by the sudden drop of the same can cause you to feel hungry and want to eat more, as well as stimulating the body to store the food as fat.

Eating a protein like chicken, cheese or tofu, balances out the glycemic levels of your body. The only trick is to eat it at the same time as the fattening food. It is impossible not to eat sugars at some point and the addition of a protein balances out the potential damage of that chocolate bar you just inhaled.

By adding a fruit or vegetable, you automatically balance out your nutrition and you can’t help but feel full and satisfied after consuming three different types of food! Easy weight loss is within reach. You might start your diet off by eating the same amount as before, but as your body adjusts to a new method, you’ll find yourself eating less of the sweet, fatty stuff because you feel full and satisfied.

Easy weight loss is far easier when you aren’t battling starvation and temptation. With the rule of three diet, you can eat as much as you need to while still dropping the pounds.

Mary Lewis, director of
M and L Promotions Ltd.

Website: http://www.losingweighteasily.com/easy-weight-loss.php

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Wyn


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