About Slimming

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Negative Calorie Foods.

I recently came across a very interesting book called "Negative Calorie Foods and Recipe EBook".
All foods have some calories. No food is actually "negative calorie" food. But the overall effect of certain foods in our body is that of "negative calories". Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain! Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage, and are also known as fat burning foods.
A piece of dessert consisting of 400 calories may require only 150 calories to be digested by our body, resulting in a net gain of 250 calories which is added to our body fat! According to this theory, for example, if you eat 100 calories of a food that requires 150 calories to digest, then you've burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food. Typically, a 25 calorie piece of broccoli (100 gram) requires 80 calories to digest, resulting in a net loss of 55 calories from the body fat!! Thus, the more you eat, the more you lose weight!!!
I must say I am fascinated, it makes sense though that there are a variety of foods that have a negative colorific value. I guess by eating these negative calorie foods you can burn more fat thus losing weight.
Read about this book here.

Friday, April 20, 2007

South Beach Diet.

South Beach Diet was created a well known cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston. He developed this diet for his cardiac patients after a lot of scientific dieting research. The best thing about this diet is that you will get your three, normal size meals everyday and you can even enjoy your snacks and deserts.
According to Dr.Agatston, when you consume bad carbohydrates especially those found in foods with a high Glycemic index, they create an insulin resistance syndrome which is an impairment of the hormone insulin's ability to properly process fat or sugar and not only this, bad carbohydrates also increase the chances of getting cardiovascular disease.Therfore his diet includes the consumption of good fats and good carbohydrates.
This diet works in phases, the first two for a specific timeframe and the third phase for life.
This diet puts emphasis on changing your way of eating and variety of foods. It discourages eating of very refined processed foods, high-fat meats, and saturated fats in general. Agatston says that you should eat until you are satisfied and you do not have to count calories. You just have to eat the right food that is good carbs and fats. By decreasing the intake of bad carbs, it will help you metabolize what you eat more effectively and improves insulin resistance as well leading to weight loss.
Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises offers more detailed information on the South Beach Diet at http://www.jam727.com/southbeachdiet.htm The website has many other easy reading articles on a wide range of topics as well.
You can also visit http://www.losingweighteasily.com/sb.php

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Another Week

I can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing. Today was my weekly visit to my local Weight Watchers meeting. It is great to see people come back week after week and to see their bodies shape altering.
I have to admit that of all the so called diets I have tried over the years, nothing comes close to the Core Plan in Weight Watchers. I can honestly say that it doesn't seem to me that I am on a diet. By making healthy eating choices I eat almost everything, except of course food that are high in fat or sugar.
As you are aware I have a website www.losingweighteasily.com I often read the content on the site since there are several topics covered.
Today I read the section Historical Appraoches to Weight Loss and healthy eating. In modern society, more of us have weight problems and become ill or even die from conditions related to being overweight than ever before!
Maybe it's just possible that we have something to learn from the way that people ate in the past throughout much of human history. People in most ancient societies and right through the Middle Ages and Renaissance did not follow the advice that most nutritionists would give today. They hardly ate any breakfast at all, though we are often told that breakfast is the most important meal'. In fact, they were likely to eat only one large meal a day or two at the most, in which case one would be larger than the other. And here's another thing that would make modern nutritionists shake their heads in despair quite a lot of the time, it seems, that one big meal was eaten rather late in the day often after the sun went down and the day's work was done!
This information facinated me, I intend writing another article about this subject, when it is completed I will add it to this blog.
For more information about our past approaches click here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Published Article

Today I received confirmation that this article had been accepted for publication. I wanted to share this with you.

Diets are hard. It’s a simple fact of life that the majority of dieters will never achieve success because they simply cannot stick to a diet. Easy weight loss is a distant promise to the average dieter.

The reason easy weight loss diets tend not to work isn’t because they aren’t nutritionally sound (although many diets lack the necessary nutrition) but because they deprive us. Human beings are not very good at resisting temptation and when you aren’t allowed to eat starch or sugar, it suddenly begins to look even more appealing!

Many easy weight loss diets require such drastic reduction of portion size, that the average overweight person is still hungry after eating a meal. Resisting hunger pangs is difficult enough, but when more food is right in front of you, as it is everywhere in our society, the temptation is pretty much irresistible. Easy weight loss becomes impossible when faced with the stomach-twisting pangs of hunger.

So, how do you achieve easy weight loss? Without the deprivation and starvation? With the rule of three diet!

The idea behind this easy weight loss diet is not deprivation but balance. You can eat whatever you wish, but it must be part of a balanced meal. This way your body gets all the nutrients it needs, not just empty calories.

No matter what you feel like eating, you include a same-size portion of two other foods, a protein and a fruit or vegetable usually. For example, let’s say you are dying for a slab of chocolate cake. You can have your cake, but along with it, you need to eat a piece of chicken (of the same size) and a pear, for example. You can mix and match the foods, but the concept is the same.

With the base of a protein food and a vegetable or fruit, you can make the third item anything you like, be it bread, pasta, rice or a sweet dessert. When planning snacks or meals, be sure to include the three ingredients. This recipe for easy weight loss seems too easy, but it really does work.

So, how does the easy weight loss rule of three work? Sweet foods and fatty snacks tend to cause your body to release a blast of insulin. The sudden rise in insulin, followed by the sudden drop of the same can cause you to feel hungry and want to eat more, as well as stimulating the body to store the food as fat.

Eating a protein like chicken, cheese or tofu, balances out the glycemic levels of your body. The only trick is to eat it at the same time as the fattening food. It is impossible not to eat sugars at some point and the addition of a protein balances out the potential damage of that chocolate bar you just inhaled.

By adding a fruit or vegetable, you automatically balance out your nutrition and you can’t help but feel full and satisfied after consuming three different types of food! Easy weight loss is within reach. You might start your diet off by eating the same amount as before, but as your body adjusts to a new method, you’ll find yourself eating less of the sweet, fatty stuff because you feel full and satisfied.

Easy weight loss is far easier when you aren’t battling starvation and temptation. With the rule of three diet, you can eat as much as you need to while still dropping the pounds.

Mary Lewis, director of
M and L Promotions Ltd.

Website: http://www.losingweighteasily.com/easy-weight-loss.php

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Wyn

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Atkins diet

Today I decided to quickly discuss the Atkins Diet. I have known many friends who have tried and had good results with this diet.I have never been tempted because personally I felt that my body wouldn't cope well with the high protein content of the dietsince I already suffered with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The Atkins Diet is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. It promotes using meat, eggs, and cheese while discouraging high carbohydrate-content foods such as bread and rice. If excess carbohydrates are taken in, excess enzymes should be generated to digest it. This may lead to disintegration of pancreatic cells in a long run, which may further lead to diabetes. According to Robert Atkins, on having a low carbohydrate diet, our body will enter into a state of ketosis, in which, instead of carbohydrates, fat is digested to release energy. This reduces the need for more insulin produced by the pancreatic cells and the fat deposits are subsided. Thus, the body weight is reduced to a considerable amount.
The ultimate result of Atkins diet program (other diet programs as well) depends solely on how well the person follows the recommendations.
Click here to read more on this diet.

Friday, April 13, 2007

If You Don’t Track Your Diet. You Are Wasting Your Time

Frankly, I’m puzzled whenever I hear this from somebody who’s frustrated with their lack of gains:

Me: So what are you eating? How many calories per day and how many do you need?

Them: I don’t know. I just eat.


Yes, it’s true. People don’t track their diets, don’t calculate their calories and just guess at what they need. They have no idea where they are going, very little facts on how to get there and yet are frustrated and mad when 6 weeks later they don’t see the results.

Imagine, for a moment, that’s it’s 6-months from today. And you’ve made no progress. Wouldn’t you be frustrated?! I sure would.

But here’s the deal, there’s a real simple method to make sure you don’t end up like so many people you’ll hear about. Please don’t be the person who just “eats” or does whatever without a plan. If you aren’t tracking your diet you are wasting your time!

Let me explain.

In order for your body to change, you must do something different. Let’s suppose that you want to burn as much fat as possible. What’s the first thing you should do now that you have a long-term goal in mind?

Here’s a h-i-n-t!

Make a plan!

A quick plan for losing fat:

1. Determine how many calories a day you need based on your situation

2. Track your daily food intake (yes you should count calories

Bodybuilding manuals go into great detail about how to calculate your caloric intake, giving formulas and such.

Anyway, a typical conversation might go like this:

“Excuse me? My wife made spaghetti bolognaise yesterday, I can’t be asked to weigh my meals in order to count the calories, can I? (What would she think about me (not to mention what I would think about myself ;-) ?)

I tried to go to fitday.com and calculate the calories, but it totally eluded me how many grams they were and looking for pasta and meat in different categories is a hassle anyway, so the site was no use for me with that.

Good heavens, there must be a way to go without the calorie counting, mustn’t it?”

Despite what you may have heard.

Tracking your diet (counting calories) is important and I’ll tell you why and how you can get around the whole calorie counting ordeal.

You see, in order to lose fat or gain muscle you need to know what you are eating in order to do such.

Let’s say you need 3000 calories a day to maintain your current weight at your current activity levels.

Now you decide you want to lose fat.

Training more and more, more cardio, longer sessions will just tire you out. You can bump up the cardio and do certain fat loss tips and techniques but overall keep in mind:

Where do I burn the fat:

80% of fat loss comes from diet and 20% from cardio.

As you can see, the area you want to manipulate is the diet.

Back to the example.

You decide to lose the fat. You know you need 3000 a day to maintain. You do some calorie calculations and find that you want to be aggressive and cut your calories by 20%. It’s aggressive but it’s just enough to get fast results without making your body go into a ’starvation mode’ and hold onto everything it’s got.

Except you don’t want to count calories.

That’s sort of like saying…

I want to start in New York and get to California but I don’t want a map or directions. I just want to drive West.

It just won’t work. You might zig zag here and there. Maybe one week you’ll eat less and lose a pound. The next on vacation you’ll overdo it and gain 5 pounds. Who knows. You won’t.

But do you have to count each calorie? And especially when you look at homemade items that have some many ingredients? What do you do?

While this isn’t the most accurate method, I just basically get a good estimate by looking up the general food item, quantity I consumed and input that.

Over time, because I eat a lot of the same things for breakfast, I already know the calories and I don’t need to track it anymore. I know via portions that a bowl of oats is such and such calories and how it adds into my total daily allowance.

I personally do not weight each piece of food. I will go to lunch, look at what I’m eating and know generally what portions of what I ate.

At the end of the day, I know roughly that I’m 20% below my maintenance for fat loss and 20% above for weight gain.

The problem that most people have is exactly what you describe.

They DO NOT want to track what they eat.

The bottom line is, if you don’t know where you are, and where you are going, you really don’t know how you’ll get there and it’s no wonder so many people are frustrated.

Look, you don’t have to track every single piece of food you put into your mouth. And I know that when there’s a home cooked meal, you aren’t likely to know what’s in it. But you can and should generally get an idea.

Eventually you can track your portions if you tend to eat a lot of the same things every day.

If you don’t track your diet, you are wasting your time.

bio = Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book “The Beginner’s Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding” (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn’t. The Beginner’s Guide is oriented towards fitness minded men and women who are just starting or have worked out for years without results who want weight loss and to gain muscle.
To learn more about the Beginner’s Guide, visit Beginning-Bodybuilding at:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Useful tip

When we start our diet or healthy eating regime, one of the most important tips is to "sort your surroundings". Before I made the decision to start my weight loss journey, I would go to the supermarket to do my regular shop, always stopping at the fresh bread counter, the chocolate bar and candy section, buying myself a variety of different ones, then I would eat them up happily, until my next visit and the cycle would start all over again.
Of course what happens over time is the gradual increase of body fat and weight gain.Before we know it our weight has rocketed.
Sorting out my surrounding was to plan my weekly food purchase by not including the naughty treats. As a result I just didn't go near or even look at the tempting areas in the supermarket. I would decide what were my healthy options, check the labelling on the packaging and buy the lowest fat and sugar content variety of whatever I needed.
Then I had to sort through my kitchen cupboards. If I was feeling hungry, I knew that if I looked in my cupboards and found buscuits or chocolate i have no doubt that I would chose one of them to eat. If they weren't in the house, the choice would be taken away from me. After all if it's not there you can't eat it!
Negative Calorie foods and Recipe book

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers started when a group of friends gathered at house to discuss dieting tips and ideas about their diets. It now employs over 50,000 people and they operate in over 30 countries worldwide.

The reason for their success is that they offer a diet plan for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They don’t just provide you with a diet sheet, they provide you with the information and advice necessary to make the best decisions about your own diet.

If you are ready for a lifestyle change that includes eating carbs and proteins, fitness and a community effort in your weight loss goals. If you are you willing to track the foods you eat every day. And you need the support of a large number of people to help you meet your goals, then weight watchers is the natural choice.

Online support is also available, in addition to online menus, calculators and recipes. There is of course a basic diet plan, or to be more precise, two plans - the points plan and the core plan.

Members are given a weekly points allocation depending upon their present weight and the weight they are aiming for and are allowed to eat anything they like up to this points allocation.

The strength of the points system is that a points score is given to any food imaginable and there's no limit on the types of food that you are permitted but only on the quantity which you can eat dependent upon that food's points score. This is in sharp contrast to many other diets that ban some foods completely or require that particular foods are included in your diet.

The points plan also provides you with a great deal of flexibility by allocating negative points for exercise. So, if you decide to go over your points allocation you can do so as long as you take enough exercise to compensate for the additional points consumed.

The core plan was created in response to the popularity the South Beach and Atkins plans. Under this plan a wide variety of foods including whole grain foods, lean meats, fat free airy products, lean meats, and whole grain foods are classed as "core" foods and there is no limit on the quantity of these foods that you can eat, other than the provision that you should only eat these foods to satisfy your hunger rather than eat them until you are "full".

Operating largely as a "club", Weight Watchers has gone from strength to strength over the years and, as long as it continues to provide so much more than just a diet plan, it will doubtless continue to flourish in the future.

For more advice on the Weight Watchers Diet plan visit:




Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Importance of Water in your diet

We read in all the weight loss books that water plays a major part in weight loss. It is calorie free and can act as an appetite suppressant, and helps the body metabolize stored fat. It is the most essential for our survival, next to air and oxygen.

Our body is made up of two thirds water, the human brain is 95% water.

It is recommended to drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day and it may possibly be one of the most significant factors in losing weight.

There was a time where I would only drink coffee, tea or diet coke. Since being on the Weight Watchers plan, I now only drink water, I allow myself 2 cups of tea and coffee a day. I don’t touch the low calorie drinks because I guess I have now got used to drinking water. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%. Certainly worth the effort in my book.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

What is the Glycemic index? the Glycemic Index or GI for short, is a system that ranks food by how they affect your levels of blood sugar.Low GI food produce a gradual rise in blood sugar that's easy on the body. Foods with high GI numbers make blood sugar as well as insulin spike fast.
Research shows that eating low GI foods keep you healthier by:
Starve off Heart disease.
Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Curbs your appetite helping you to lose weight.
Gives you more energy.

The rule of thumb is to include at least One low GI food at each meal or snack.The list of low GI foods is too many to mention here. I will give you some examples of low GI foods:
Nuts, Vegetables,some fruits, those with high sugar content are not classed as low GI.
During the first two weeks it is recommended to eliminate carbs and only eat a low - carb diet.Healthy carbs such pulses are allowed.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Holiday Time

Today is Good Friday, in Spain it is a National Holiday, no shops open, only cafes and restaurants. This last week has been very miserable weather wise, it has rained on and off all week. About 2 months ago we received a letter from the water company asking residents to conserve water because we are suffering a water shortage. Needless to say we are delighted to get the rain. Unfortunately during holiday times people flock to the coastal areas of Spain to enjoy the glorious weather that we have, what a shame that thousands would have travelled here to be welcomed by this weather.
Holiday times are difficult times for those trying to lose weight because restaurants undoubtedly serve quite a variety of fried foods.
Yesterday in Weight Watchers I bought the Spanish Eating out guide. What an eye opener that was. It listed all types of restaurants, including Chinese, Greek, Thai,Fast Foods,etc, it didn't include Indian, which was disappointing. I spent a few hours studying this book, I was amazed with the results because the lowest points of any restaurant food was the Spanish food. As you may know the Mediterraneans cook the majority of food using olive oil.
The answer for us is that in future whilst we are trying to lose those extra pounds, the weekly visit to a restaurant will have to be a Spanish one, at least until I reach my goal weight - only 2 pounds to go. I can't tell you what a struggle it is to lose those last few pounds.
If you want more information on the Mediterranean diet click here.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Mediterranean diet

I thought it very appropriate to write about the Mediterranean diet since I live on the Costa Blanca Region of Spain, my house is approximately 3 miles from the Mediterranean ocean, in fact I can see it from my terrace.
The Mediterranean Diet has been around for years, although it only recently came to Western attention. It has existed for centuries, however, in the Mediterranean countries. Because there are several different Mediterranean countries, each with their own versions of the Mediterranean diet, it is hard to pinpoint exact rules, we can only generalize.

In fact, that is where the whole thing started. Several years ago, people began to realize that those who live in the Mediterranean area are far healthier than residents of other countries. Mediterranean’s in general have a high life-expectancy rate and a very low incidence of chronic diseases like high blood pressure, cholesterole and other similar ailments so common in other parts of the world.

Through various studies, it was determined that diet plays a large factor in the health of these people. Although they consume copious amounts of fat, it is in the form of olive oil, which contains monosaturated fatty acids, a non-damaging form of fat. In fact, it has been shown to reduce cardiovascular problems! Olive oil is also full of antioxidants which work to prevent damage caused by oxidants in the body and help prevent cancer among other problems. It aids the digestive system as well. An entire article could be written on the benefits of olive oil alone!

The Mediterranean diet tends to be fairly vegetarian, although red meat is eaten occasionally. Fish, a healthy source of Omega-3 fatty acids, is also permitted once or twice a week. Other animal products in general are not included in the Mediterranean diet, adding to its healthy nature.

Apart from the scarce amount of meat, the general Mediterranean diet includes plenty of legumes and grains in the form of pasta and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables are also a popular part of the diet.

While in many countries, large portions of food combined with poor quality is the norm, the Mediterranean diet focuses on preparing complete, delicious and nutritious meals in smaller portions. This way the meal is not only more satisfying, but better for you, encouraging moderation. In fact, the general principal of the diet is to eat in moderation. No food is exactly banned, it is only recommended in smaller amounts.

While the Mediterranean diet came to the world’s attention as a way to reduce disease and prolong life, it is also a good way to lose weight for many obese people. Combined with exercise, this diet is an excellent way to boost health and drop pounds at the same time as it promotes smaller, more satisfying portions. The abundance of fresh food is also a good way to drop weight in a healthy manner.

The Mediterranean diet may be easier for dieters to stick to because it doesn’t focus on eliminating foods, just providing good ones. There are no steadfast rules about what not to eat, so if you feel an urge to have a steak with your pasta, it isn’t considered cheating.

In conclusion, the Mediterranean diet has worked for years in the countries where it originated, so why not incorporate it into our every day lives. Good food, health and a longer life are nothing to be scoffed at.

This article is written by me, Mary Lewis www.losingweighteasily.com

Please visit the site to learn more about this diet.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Lose Weight by Eating for Your Blood Type

Today I decided to write about Losing weight by eating for your blood type.
it is strange really, only 2 years ago I had an e-mail from a friend of mine who had started to diet by this method. I must say I was intrigued, I discovered that we were both O rhesus negative, the most common blood types. She sent me the diet, I couldn't believe that many of the foods on the list were foods that I or my body didn't like.

If you have tried countless diets, jumping from one fad to another, without any real success, maybe it’s time to try something new. Consider trying to lose weight by eating for your blood type. It is a revolutionary new diet style that focuses on the biological needs of the body, rather than trying to fit everyone into the same dietary mold.

The idea behind the lose weight by eating for your blood type diet is that we are not all the same. Regular fad diets are aimed at the general population, but each person is different. Peter D´Adamo, the founder of this diet, discovered that different blood types need different metabolic stimulation and that certain foods can even act as poisons to certain blood types, causing health problems and obesity.

There are four basic blood types. You need to know yours before you lose weight by eating for your blood type. The types are A, B, O, and AB. These four types determine which style of diet you should be following. Peter D`Adamo outlines all the information in his book “Eat Right For Your Blood Type”, but you can also find blood type recipes online, to supplement his book.

The basic idea of lose weight by eating for your blood type is that each type of blood has its own special antigen marker. These markers react to certain foods which they consider to be “alien” or dangerous. While reacting to certain foods, the antigens cause problems within the body, similar to an allergy. According to D´Adamo, our acidity levels in the stomach as well as digestive enzymes are all influenced by blood type.

This leads to the conclusion that certain foods will sit better with certain people whose blood types allow for safe passage of these foods. To lose weight by eating for your blood type, you need to follow the dietary list. The foods on the list for your blood type will allow your body to function at its maximum potential, digesting rapidly and efficiently and helping you to lose weight.

So, how did the blood type food lists develop? Apparently, if we eat what our ancient ancestors were eating at the point that our blood type was discovered, this is the secret as to how to lose weight by eating for your blood type. A slightly far-fetched theory that many people are convinced works.

For example, since O was apparently the first blood type discovered, way back in the very beginning, these people should eat what hunter-gatherers ate. That is, a high-protein diet since the cave men basically ate meat all the time, supplemented with vegetables, root ones in particular.

Blood type A is meant to eat a vegetarian diet since when this type was discovered, our ancestors had evolved into farmers. A vegetarian diet is well-known for helping people lose weight.

The third blood type to be discovered was B, around the time of nomadic wanderings This means that Type B´s can eat a widely varied diet, with meat, fruit and vegetables of all types.

This article was written by myself Mary Lewis for my website www.losingweighteasily.com

Click here to visit the relevant web page

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Are Diet pills safe?

Yesterday I wrote about the hoodia diet pills. This morning on the UK breakfast show they were discussing the new rules in the USA about purchasing prescription diet pills over the counter at any Pharmacy.

An over-the-counter pill which fights obesity could go on sale in Britain in the next few years and has just been approved in the US.

The pill called 'Alli' is said to cut your weight by 5% in just four months, so for a woman weighing 12 stone, this would mean shedding more than seven pounds - equivalent to a dress size! (one stone = 14 pounds).

The prescription weight loss remedy will be packaged with guides giving advice on meal planning, what to order when eating out, a fat and calories counter and a journal to record daily food intake.

Two thirds of adults are overweight or obese and the numbers are continuing to rise. Experts believe diet and discipline are not alone sufficient to prevent waistlines expanding and that extra help is required.

How it works

'Alli' works by blocking the absorption of fat from food that is eaten. However, the unabsorbed fat has to go somewhere and dieters using it are prone to diarrhoea, its least attractive side effect.

On the other hand, the drug's effect provides a powerful incentive to stick to a low fat diet - because the consequences of doing otherwise will be too unpleasant.

For more information visit www.gm.tv

When I thought about this the side effects sound dreadful, in fact the comment made by the show's doctor was to make sure if you take this drug, make sure you were a "nappy" or "diapper", what a thought!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

What You May Not Know About Hoodia Can Cause You Time,

Obviously since launching my losingweighteasily.com website, I have researched and investigated many different ways of losing weight. I was sent an e-mail about hoodia so decided to look into it.

It is a cactus-like plant hailed as the safest way known for rapid, natural weight loss.

What you may not know is that dozens of species of Hoodia grow in desert climates world wide.

But only one rare species of Hoodia has been clinically shown to possess the magical ability to curb your appetite without causing unpleasant jitters or dangerous effects on your heart rhythm.This is known as Hoodia Gordonii.

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous companies have taken to selling Hoodia after as little as 1 or 2 years of growth. Not only does this practice produce inferior product, it damages the supply and causes production costs to climb.In some cases they're selling useless parts of the plant, or plants from Mexico or China that have no clinical backing whatsoever.

Did you know there are over 1,310,000 websites about this one product.so how do we know which company to go with?

I checked several and found that in 2002 Strictly Health Corporation, the producers of Hoodoba® brand Hoodia Weight Loss products, became the only U.S. company to begin private farming operations in South Africa.They clain that their product has the highest concentration of Hoodia Gordonii available.
This is a quote by Mike Adams

"This company has completed successful lab analysis certifying that their Hoodia is genuine. The company also uses vegetarian capsules... With all the counterfeit products on the market out there, HOODOBA® is one you can trust, and I've got the lab results to prove it."

Mike Adams, Investigative Journalist, Newstarget.com

For further information click here

I will add more tomorrow.